
The Magneto-Optic Modulator | The Current

The mechanism uses a magnetic field to convert data from electrical current to pulses of light. The light can then travel via fiber-optic cables ...

[PDF] Electro-optic and magneto

Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is also examinedfor use as awideband magneto- optic modulator. A wideband YIG modulator has recently been developed which represents a ...


A magneto-optic modulator with a magnetic fluid film inserted into an optical fiber Sagnac interferometer is proposed. The magnetic fluid exhibits variable ...

Magneto-optical spatial light modulator driven by current

A light modulator pixel has a magnetic nanowire, the MO effect being responsible for the light modulation. The magnetization direction of the ...

[PDF] Magneto

Unlike semiconductors at RF, magneto-optic materials do not suffer from plasma free carrier absorption, and perform reliably over time. Compared ...

The Magneto-Optic Modulator

“This is the first high-speed modulator ever fabricated using the magneto-optic effect,” Pintus remarked. Other researchers have created ...

Magneto-optic Modulators and Sensors

A magneto-optic amplitude modulator can be used as a current or magnetic field sensor. For this kind of application, a linear response is desired. Therefore ...

Magneto-optics may improve optical processing

A magneto-optic modulator is composed of a simple microstrip transducer, making it simpler to fabricate than an acousto-optic modulator. The MO Bragg cell ...

An integrated magneto

Here we report an integrated current-driven modulator that is based on the magneto-optic effect and can operate at temperatures as low as 4 K.


Themechanismusesamagneticfieldtoconvertdatafromelectricalcurrenttopulsesoflight.Thelightcanthentravelviafiber-opticcables ...,Yttriumirongarnet(YIG)isalsoexaminedforuseasawidebandmagneto-opticmodulator.AwidebandYIGmodulatorhasrecentlybeendevelopedwhichrepresentsa ...,Amagneto-opticmodulatorwithamagneticfluidfilminsertedintoanopticalfiberSagnacinterferometerisproposed.Themagneticfluidexhibitsva...